A walk in the spring sunshine (and showers).

I had intended to take a walk around the Country Park today to see if there were any further signs of spring – I hear a chiffchaff most days now, but I wanted something more, I wanted to see a blackcap, final proof that spring was here. However, as is usually the way with me, my tummy got the better of me and the thought of a walk into Daventry to buy food for dinner won the day.

Still, there is a lot to be said for a walk in the sunshine, especially when the first thing that you see as you get to the old railway track is a male blackcap. It was sat in the shrubs not more than five feet away from me! Definite bonus, two birds could be felled with the one stone throwing. Still, we wandered happily into town via the edge of the Country Park and got lots of lovely food for dinner. (There were some English raspberries – grown in a glasshouse? Not sure, would buying these be ethical? I will probably be tempted the next time I see them.) Anyway, I digress (stomach winning again!), the main point that I wanted to get to was the vast numbers of spring flowers that I saw out and about all you have to do is stare at the verges! Celandines were still flowering their souls out (I thought that they would have gone over by now), cowslips and violets were also in abundance.

I went out to try and get a photograph of a cowslip to brighten my blog, but all I got was wet, so you will have to make do with one I prepared earlier (well, last year). I’ve also included a picture of a celandine, because I did manage to take one of those.


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