I went for a trip to Brandon Marsh this weekend (I know it is a 40 mile round trip, but I did combine it with a trip to Ryton Organic Gardens which is about 2 miles up the road) with the main aim of seeing and, hopefully, photographing some damselflies. I usually visit the reserve with birdwatching in mind, but, at this time of year it can be pretty hit and miss.
There were a few damselflies and some pretty chunky lilac coloured dragonflies about (no idea what type at all, sorry, I am new to entymology). The dragonflies seemed to be mainly blue-tailed and common blue, but, incredibly hard to get a decent photo of as most were by the side of the lakes. However, there was one particularly co-operative blue-tailed dragonfly which allowed me time to get a few decent shots and some not so good ones. This is her eating lunch:

This is her after she moved to a better position so I could get a better shot:

It was whilst I was sitting in a hide staring at some common blue damselflies that were cavorting around the edge of the lake that I happened to look down and saw this:

OK, maybe not the most exciting thing to most people, but, if you have never seen one before and find yourself about 3 feet above it staring it in the eye – and it is staring back…then it there is reason to be excited. (As was hearing my first cuckoo in 16 years!)